Local Issues

Public Hearings: Tree Ordinance and Impact Fee Updates

June 12, 2020

The City of Atlanta will be hosting public hearings as they prepare updates to the city's tree ordinance and impact fees and they need to hear from you!

The Atlanta City Council's Community Development/Human Services (CD/HS) committee will discuss amendments to their comprehensive development plan on June 22nd at 6:00 pm during a virtual meeting. This hearing will also cover the draft impact fee study, which would increase development fees. While the city's impact fees have not been updated for 25 years, REALTORS® have been advocating that the fees have a reasonable increase.

The Governmental Affairs Committee Chairs of both the Atlanta Commercial Board of REALTORS® and the Atlanta REALTORS® Association, submitted comments urging the City that any fee increase match inflation, that they be implemented incrementally and projects already submitted be grandfathered in. To learn more about the Impact Fee update and to get information on the committee meeting, click here.

The CD/HS committee will also be hearing public comments on the proposed tree ordinance update at a virtual meeting on June 25th at 10:00 am. The City has been working to increase the tree canopy, which would make it more difficult for developments and homeowners that may need to alter their property. To get more information on the tree ordinance update, click here.

If you have any questions or comments, contact Governmental Affairs Director, Aaron Johnson at 404-732-0631.

About the GRBOR Market Brief

The Greater Rome Board of REALTORS® (GRBOR) Market Brief is compiled by Georgia Multiple Listing Service (GAMLS).For more information on details of this month's report, please contact the Board at 404.845.4025.

*Each month, the numbers reported for the previous month are updated to reflect additional recordings.

About the Greater Rome Board of REALTORS®

The Greater Rome Board of REALTORS® (GRBOR) has been an instrumental factor in the growth of real estate in Floyd County, Georgia for more than a decade. GRBOR serves as a central source of information for its members, with mainly focusing on real estate education, the promotion of professionalism in the industry and representing REALTORS® members with legislative initiatives to create positive change for the real estate community.

About Georgia Multiple Listing Service

Since 1962 Georgia MLS has been providing real estate professionals with exceptional service, proven technology solutions, and unmatched value. With a laser-sharp focus on making the day-to-day tasks of our MLS subscribers more functional, more productive, and more profitable, we continue to implement the service blueprint that has led to our continued growth. For additional information or to start a discussion about how to partner with GAMLS please contact georgiamls@gamls.com.